
Saturday, September 16th

The Ulysses Programme comes to Oslo in this challenging chamber music event
Lunchtime concert scapegoat / Améi Quartett
16 September, 2 pm

Rebecka Sofia Ahvenniemi: Wuthering modes (not moods) (WP)
Diego Ramos Rodríguez: Diferentes figuras de inspiración (WP)
Miyoko Yokoyama: Folklore (WP)

Améi Quartett
Corinna Canzian, Diego Ramos Rodríguez, Aglaya González and Esther Saladin

Ulysses is a European network dedicated to supporting the work of young performers and composers. Originally inspired by an illustrious generation of 18th Century artists who wandered all across Europe, visiting at each “stop” along the way the greatest masters’ workshops in order to improve and to complete their skills, ULYSSES partner institutions give young international composers, conductors and performers the possibility to construct a “journey”, with stops in different partner insitutions. These journeys offer the opportunity to participate in varied projects, workshops, masterclasses, residencies etc. in the realm of contemporary creation.
For their "stop" at SALT, composers Mioko Yokoyama, Diego Ramos and Rebecka Ahvenniemi have written new works for the promising Améi Quartett, formed by Corinna Canzian, Diego Ramos Rodríguez, Aglaya González and Esther Saladin. As a part of the project composers and musicians work with mentor Maja S. K. Ratkje.